Our motto: Pleasure is our craft

The fact that we use the two words "craft" and "enjoyment" in our slogan is easy to explain. The drum-roasting process we use to roast our coffee beans is indeed still a craft, and every Frahling lover associates enjoyment with a "Let's have a cuppa".

The third reason is the history of enjoyment in our city. At the beginning of the 20th century, Dresden was considered the center of the German chocolate industry. Contrary to the long-held belief that the Swiss invented milk chocolate, a recipe from 1839 proves that a Dresden chocolate entrepreneur was the inventor. The filter bag also comes from Dresden. The inventor was a housewife whose name everyone will know: Melitta Bentz.

She made the "original filter" from the blotting paper of one of her son Willy's exercise books. On June 20, 1908, she successfully registered her invention with the Imperial Patent Office in Berlin.

In doing so, she revolutionized coffee culture. A street was also named after her, and as luck would have it, Melitta-Bentz-Strasse is only a two-minute walk from our coffee roasting plant.

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Roastery tour - On the trail of the bean

Our coffee roastery has more to offer than just the best coffee in Saxony. Get to know us and watch the coffee beans being drum roasted. Find out where the coffee plants grow, what varieties there are and how the beans get their seductive aroma. This way


Speaking of aroma:

The delicate olive-green raw beans don't yet smell like coffee, but rather like hay. It is only through roasting that we tickle the aromas awake.

And there are indeed plenty of them. Unlike wine, which is made up of around 400 different aromas, coffee has more than 800 aroma components.

From chocolaty, nutty, caramel, fruity to floral and tart - let yourself be surprised! If you would like to enjoy a social gathering over coffee and cake afterwards, then of course that is also possible.

Let's make more out of coffee together - enjoyment in abundance according to your taste.

Would you like to take a look at our coffee roasting facility?
This way ⟶

Quality promise

We know that there is no accounting for taste.

However, we do not compromise on quality.

This starts with the selection of our coffee beans - keyword sustainability in cultivation and fair payment of the coffee farmers - and continues with the gentle and single-origin drum roasting to the aluminum-free packaging.

You will taste the difference.

or coffee bags?

And if you're not sure which coffee suits you best, just take a look at our CoffeeBags.

We offer many of our varieties in the small cup packaging.

Speaking of taste ...

... we offer a wide variety of coffee specialties for different types of preparation. There are our blends. These are our house blends whose recipes we do not reveal, of course. Some of them are certified organic.

And for those who can't tolerate caffeine, we offer our Decafe, a decaffeinated coffee. If you use a capsule machine to make coffee instead of a hand filter, portafilter, filter coffee machine, bialetti ... try our 100 percent compostable capsules.

Our Single Origin are the pure variety.

The English term "Single Origin" refers to the origin of the coffee, which means that all coffee beans come from the same growing area and may not be mixed with other coffees. Among them, there are also certified organic varieties.


You want to book our location?

How about a place of diversity?

You are planning a celebration, a company event, a conference or an exhibition and are looking for a very special location? We have it! Surrounded by coffee sacks with a view of the roasting oven, our lovingly furnished manufactory can accommodate up to 30 people on rustic benches and at high tables. You would like to be catered for? Gladly that too.
Whether savory, sweet, vegetarian ... we are a place of diversity.

Contact us!


Awards & Certifications

As we all know, there's no accounting for taste - but there's no accounting for awards. We not only talk about excellent quality, we also deliver it regularly in competitions. Our coffee is still true craftsmanship - and we have received awards for it. Not only once!


Roaster of the year 2011

We are particularly proud of this title. The award is considered one of the highest honors in the German-speaking coffee and roasting scene. The "Roaster of the Year" award is presented by the trade magazine "crema". The quality of the coffee and its roasting, performance in delivery, service and packaging as well as fairness and sustainability in the purchase of green coffee are tested.

Feinschmecker 2018 and 2022

According to the trade magazine "Der Feinschmecker", we are one of the best coffee roasting companies in Germany in 2018 and 2022. In 2018, we were also the state winner and thus the best coffee roasting company in Saxony.

We are certified organic.

German Roasters' Guild

In the annual competition of the German Roasters' Guild, coffee creations of the specialty roasters organized in it are prepared under equal conditions and tasted blind. The bouquet, aroma, acidity, harmony and body of the coffees are evaluated. Based on the medal, the consumer recognizes at first glance an excellent coffee quality from artisan roasting.


We are a member of the German Coffee Association.

The German Coffee Association (Deutscher Kaffeeverband e.V.) represents the interests of the entire German coffee industry. It campaigns for positive framework conditions for the coffee industry and represents the interests of its approximately 220 members at national and international level.

Since 2006, the German Coffee Association has initiated the annual "Coffee Day," on which coffee-related activities are held throughout Germany. We also celebrate this special day every year.