
The AeroPress is very versatile in coffee preparation. With it, you can make an excellent coffee, but also an excellent espresso in no time. The man behind the AeroPress is Alan Adler. His goal was to find a simple brewing method that would bring out the aroma and flavor without unwanted bitterness and acidity. After many different designs, the AeroPress was born in 2005.

To make coffee, nothing else is needed except hot water, a good coffee and of course the AeroPress with the filters. The paper filter leaves no residue in the coffee, like the French Press. The uncomplicated preparation makes a strong shot in less than two minutes, depending on the amount of water and coffee powder, or a coffee filled with milk, or a kind of Americano with hot water. In recent years, the AeroPress has gained incredible popularity. In the meantime, championships in this type of preparation are even held on a regular basis.


Important factors

Grind: fine-medium
Quantity: 16 g
Water temperature: 90 °C
Amount of water: 200 ml
Brewing time: 1,5 min

By the way

With the AeroPress you can brew coffee in two different methods. In the Pour Over method, the coffee maker is placed on a coffee cup, the coffee powder is poured over with hot water in the Aeropress, the coffee drips into the cup and is quickly pressed down with the press plunger. In the Inverted technique, the AeroPress is set up in reverse. The coffee powder is poured in, hot water is poured over it and it is stirred with the stirring rod. Then place cup upside down on top and invert the whole thing, press plunger down, done.


Preparation with the Pour Over method

Place the paper filter in the filter holder and wet it with hot water. Put the filter holder into the brewing cylinder, place the AeroPress on the coffee cup and fill it with coffee powder. Fill the AeroPress Coffee Maker with 200ml of water. The ideal water temperature is about 90°C. Tip: Let your coffee water cool for a good minute after boiling if you can't adjust the temperature. Then insert the press plunger into the brewing cylinder and press down gently so that the coffee does not drip exclusively. The coffee is ready.

The preparation with the inverted method

When you talk about classic, the AeroPress actually refers to this method. Inverted means nothing other than upside down, and so coffee preparation with the AeroPress starts upside down with the Inverted Method. The described "Full Immersion" stands for complete immersion and symbolizes the intensive contact of the coffee with the water. The great advantage of the full immersion method is that the full contact and the optimal contact time of coffee and water allow the aromas to develop very well; unwanted ingredients of the coffee are not dissolved at all or only slightly. Push the press plunger into the brewing cylinder until the two parts form a stable unit and no more water can escape. Now place the AeroPress so that the numbers are upside down. If you moisten the piston, it is easier.

Then pour the coffee powder into the AeroPress with the supplied funnel. Our recommendation: first try 6 to 8 grams of coffee powder per coffee cup. Now insert the AeroPress paper filter into the filter holder and wet the paper filter with hot water. Fill the AeroPress about three-quarters full with water. Stir your coffee evenly so that the grounds are well distributed in the water. Pour the remaining water until the AeroPress is full. Wait half a minute and turn the filter onto your AeroPress with the paper filter in place. Swirl the AeroPress around briskly and place it on the cup. Since there is a vacuum in the AeroPress plunger that supports the weight of the water, hardly any coffee will spill out when you turn it over.

Now press the plunger down slowly and evenly for about 30 seconds. The coffee is ready.
To dispose of the coffee grounds, turn off the filter. When you push the plunger through, the coffee falls out very easily.