Hand filter coffee - trend or not

Brewed in a hand filter it is a real, authentic coffee

Brewing a coffee with a hand filter is almost like a small ceremony. Shoo, shoo, press the button and my coffee is ready - there's no such thing here. But that's exactly what we don't want. Hand-filtered coffee takes a little time. It drips away comfortably and spreads a wonderfully fragrant aroma.

In contrast to filter coffee from a filter coffee machine, where the water splashes into the coffee grounds in a comparatively uncoordinated manner, the coffee can extract much more evenly when prepared with a hand filter. There are a few things you have to keep in mind, but if you succeed, you've got yourself a very authentic coffee here.

The preparation

In order for your coffee to develop its full aroma, you should not "build a mountain", but rather distribute the coffee grounds as evenly as possible in the filter. Then pour the coffee with a little water so that the surface is moistened. Then allow it to rest for about 30 seconds to swell. This step is important because it favors the extraction of the coffee and allows the gases that are produced during roasting to escape. The whole thing is called blooming in coffee parlance. Incidentally, it is perfectly normal for coffee to outgas after roasting. To help the coffee do this, we pack our varieties in coffee bags that have a valve.

But back to the preparation: After the blooming phase, you can slowly pour the remaining water in circular motions from the center outward. The total brewing time should be around three to four minutes. Please make absolutely sure that your water is at the right temperature. For the hand filter, it should be around 96 °C. If the water is too hot, your coffee will taste bitter; if it is too cold, it will taste watery to sour. Tip: Give the water about one minute to rest after boiling.

Important factors

Grind: fine - medium
Quantity: 8 - 12 g per cup (approx. 120 ml)
Water temperature: 96 °C

Our tip

Rinse the paper filter with hot water before brewing. The best way to do this is to put the bag in the hand filter and swirl the water back and forth. Please do not forget to tip the water away afterwards. Advantage of this action: The pores of the filter open and taste residues of the paper are removed. In addition, the hand filter is already tempered.